How to Describe Table in Netezza
DESC TABLE emp TYPE STAGE. Below are the list of some commonly used system tables and views. Run Netezza Sql Script File Using Nzsql Variable Substitution Sql Script Variables Netezza System Tables and Views. . Specifies the columns that participate in the primary key. This is very important system view that can be used to search columns. Describe the problem youre observing. Describe the stage properties for the table. OUT and INOUT parameters of a CALL statement. CREATE TABLE. Use the CREATE TABLE command to create a new initially empty table in the current database. With help of these command you can backup your Netezza data warehouse and restore whenever you want it back. This system catalog contains the information about the indexes created on table. CREATE TABLE NETEZZA_TABLE_NAME BYTEINT_COLUMN BYTEINT SMALLINT_COLUMN SMALLINT INTEGER_COLUMN INTEGER BIGINT_COLUMN. Covering popular s...
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